Mascotte 09!

Mascotte 09!

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lundi 9 mars 2009

Texte: Le Pétrel (EN)

The Petrel

Storm-petrels roost where the land is sheering; 

An old skipper said that, in my very hearing.

She dabbles her wings in foam as she's floundering;

Rides the big rollers; no sign of foundering.

The bird and the waves rise and fall there together;

In calms she is silent, shrieks in foul weather.

She moves in a way that's half swimming, half flying,

A dream between heaven and hell's pit plying.

Too heavy for air, too light for wave-wallowing :

Poet-bird, poet-bird, the line I've been following!

Yes, and what's worst is, in pedants' eyes 

Most of this passes for sailors' lies.

1 commentaire:

  1. On galère un peu en anglais mais on va faire ca à fond !!!!!

